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You know what is embarrassing than a acne over your right cheek? It is the back acne! They can be really painful and embarrassing all the ti...

How To Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Naturally

You know what is embarrassing than a acne over your right cheek? It is the back acne! They can be really painful and embarrassing all the time too. Just because of the wrong position, where i mean due to their occurrence on our back, we tend to seem more tolerant as well as helpless. Generally, when body produces too much oil through the glands, oil gets released through the skin which clogs the pores which results in breeding of bacteria. Due to bacteria and other toxins, it results in back acne. If you are victim of back acne, we brought you some solution to solve them all with herbal remedies. Let us read to know some effective ways on how to get rid of back acne naturally.

How To Get Rid of Back Acne Naturally:
1. Baking Soda for Back Acne:
Baking soda is an excellent ingredient that helps to treat acne as well helps to kill the bacteria breeding over your back. A good thick paste of baking soda can help to get rid of back acne soon.


2 teaspoon of baking soda
4 teaspoon of water
Preparation time:  3 minutes.

How to Prepare:

Mix 2 teaspoon of baking soda to 4 spoon of water and mix thoroughly.
Make sure the mixture does not have a runny consistency.
Now apply this paste over back and leave it for few minutes.
The paste is thick which will not allow it to dry completely.
So, you can wash off after warm water after 15 minutes.
Repetitions: Once in daily.

[ Read: How to Get Rid of Acne with Baking Soda ]

2. Apple Cider Vinegar for Back Acne:
Apple cider vinegar helps to kill the bacteria over skin as well as helps to maintain the ph level on the body. The easiest way to get rid of acne over skin is add two-three spoon of apple cider vinegar to warm water and drink.


Apple cider vinegar
Preparation time: 3 minutes.

How to do:

Mix apple cider vinegar and water in equal portion and store it in a bottle.
Now you can apply the mixture with the help of cotton ball and wear a loose shirt.
Allow the vinegar to dry and then wash off with warm water.
Repetitions: Daily.

3. Aloe Vera for Back Acne:
Aloe Vera is an excellent ingredient which helps to kill the bacteria and also heal the wound and scars on the skin. Due to anti bacterial and anti infection properties in Aloe Vera it makes it beneficial to be used over skin.

You’ll need:

Aloe vera
Preparation time: 3 minutes.

How to do:

Cut an aloe vera leaf and then scoop out the gel from it.
Now apply the gel on your back and allow it to dry for few minutes.
Wash off with warm water after few minutes.
Repetitions: Daily.

4. Tree Tea oil for Back Acne:

Due to anti bacterial properties, tree tea oil proves to be beneficial to be used over skin. Back acne can be completely cured with tree tea oil as well it helps to fade away the scars.


tea tree oil
warm water
Preparation time: 5 minutes.

How to do:

You can put some drops of tree tea oil in warm water and
Sock your body for 20 minutes.
How it works: This will help to relax your body as well as treat the back acne.

Repetitions: Daily.

5. Lemon Juice for Back Acne:
Due to astringent properties in lemon, it helps to boost cell growth in the body as well as kill the bacteria over skin. Here is how you can sure back acne with the help of lemon juice.

You’ll need:

Lemon juice
cotton ball
Preparation time: 5 minutes.

How to do:

Take a good shower and pat your skin dry with the help of a towel.
Now apply lemon juice over your back with the help of a cotton ball.
You will need to allow the juice to stay for few hours and
Then wash off with warm water.
Repetitions: Once in daily.

6. Sandalwood Powder for Back Acne:
Due to anti bacterial property in sandalwood, it is capable of killing the bacteria causing acne over skin.


sandalwood powder
few drops of lemon
pinch of turmeric powder
Preparation time: 5 minutes.

How to do:

Take some sandalwood powder and mix it with few drops of lemon juice.
You can also add a pinch of turmeric powder that will help to heal the skin sooner and faster.
Mix all the ingredient thoroughly and apply the paste over acne.
Wash off with warm water after 15-20 minutes.
Repetitions: Once in daily.

7. Lavender oil for Back Acne:
Lavender oil contain same properties like clove oil, which means it contains anti septic as well as anti bacterial property.

You’ll need:

one cup of sea salt.
10 drops of lavender oil
Preparation time: 5 minutes.

How to do:

Take one cup of sea salt and add 10 drops of lavender oil to it.
Now soak your body with this for 20 minutes and
Repetitions: Repeat twice or thrice in a week.

Tip: If you don’t have sea salt, you can use Epsom salt as an alternative.

8. Honey for Back Acne:
You’ll need:

1 spoon of grounded cinnamon
2 spoon of honey
2-3 drops of lemon juice
Preparation time: 5 minutes.

How to do:

Take 1 spoon of grounded cinnamon and mix it with 2 spoon of honey.
Now add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to the mixture and then apply on the back.
Allow the paste to dry over skin and then wash off with warm water.
Try to repeat the remedy for at least 3 times a week. Best result when used every day.
Repetitions: 3 times a week.

How it Works:

Due to anti bacterial properties in the entire three ingredients it helps to treat the back acne.
Cinnamon contains strong properties that help to kill the bacteria over skin and lemon helps to fade the scars.
[ Read: How to Use Honey for Acne ]

9. Peppermint Leaves for Back Acne:
Peppermint contains menthol which is natural anti inflammatory and a natural analgesic that helps to reduce the pain as well as soothes the skin. Due to high proportion of menthol, it alleviates the bacteria from skin and results in reducing the swelling.

You’ll need:

handful of mint leaves
Preparation time: 5 minutes.

How to apply:

Take a handful of mint leaves.
Wash them and grind them in a grinder or mixer without adding water.
Now apply the mint leaves directly over acne and leave it for few minutes.
Wash off with distilled water and continue doing this for at least a week.
Repetitions: Daily for one week.

10. Clove oil for Back Acne:
Clove oil is natural anesthetic as well as contains anti inflammatory and anti septic properties. Applying clove oil over skin helps to repair the damaged cell as well treat the acne.

You’ll need:

2-3 spoon of clove oil
10 spoon of coconut oil
Preparation time: 5 minutes.

How to do:

mix 2-3 spoon of clove oil with 10 spoon of coconut oil.
Now apply this oil on your back and leave it.
Repeat the procedure every time before you sleep.
Best time to apply: Before going to bed.

Note: Here we recommend you not to use concentrated clove oil on your back.

These were some of the remedies to treat back acne, but the most important factor is having healthy and good diet. Eating healthy food will always help you to stay out of acne and boils over skin.

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