These fast weight loss tips if you weigh 200 lbs are perfect for you if you feel like you’ve tried everything under the sun and still can’t lose weight. Gut health, exercise, carbohydrate intake, and SO many other factors are likely at play here.
Read below and see if any of the following resonate with you…
Do you feel like you’ve tried every weight loss scheme under the sun?
That no matter what crazy diet you try nothing seems to stick?
You watch helplessly as the scale slowly creeps up higher and higher while feeling totally out of control and powerless…
You know you desperately want to lose weight, be thin and free, but no matter what you do, it just doesn’t work.
That’s because weight loss is not a game of numbers. It’s emotional.
It’s much deeper than data or calories.
If you truly reflect on it long enough, it could likely bring tears to your eyes.
But let’s reflect on something else instead…
Where you are going.
Take a second, right now, to pause and deeply imagine where you could be 1 year from now with the right plan in place.
What will your body look like?
How light will you feel on your feet?
Most importantly, how differently would you feel about yourself and how differently you would live your life?
The truth is, you’ve got so so much left to live for and so much more of life to experience.
If you can lock in, focus, and be present for this article, Alex and I are going to do the absolute best we can to help you slay this weight loss dragon.
We’ve now walked hand in hand with thousands of clients through this process of losing weight at 200 pounds or more.
Beautiful women like Shawna, Cory, Alison, and thousands of others have completely touched our lives and even brought us to pools of tears with their stories.
It’s now your turn…
10 Fast Weight Loss Tips if You Weight 200 Pounds or More
You’re a snowflake.
A successful weight loss journey is going to be different for you than some 20-something…
Talk about obvious statements right?
And it’s the capital T Truth.
We’re shocked by how many women are put on some fast weight loss protocol designed for a college age girl looking to lose her last 5 pounds…
Instead of that, you need a program and lifestyle designed for YOU!
STOP pounding the pavement and exercising!
While every weight loss program on the planet earth is telling you to go running, do lots of jumping, and perform crazy intense exercises, we’re just sitting here shaking our heads.
Exercising at this weight will unnecessarily stress your joints, cause cravings, and is too much of a risk.
joint pain exercising over 200 poundsBesides, our clients lose the weight without doing ANY of that.
This is because exercise plays such a minuscule role for weight loss…
In fact, a recent study done by Current Biology took 322 adults from 5 different countries through a calorie reduction weight loss program. They split the groups between those that did exercise and those that did not.
Shockingly enough, adding in exercise did not play ANY major role over calories burned or weight loss. And for those that saw changes, they were minor at best.
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