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The nose is typically a preferred area for unpleasant blackheads and pimples. How do you deal with persistent acne about the nose that never...

The nose is typically a preferred area for unpleasant blackheads and pimples. How do you deal with persistent acne about the nose that never ever appears to go away?

How to Get Rid of Acne on the Nose
There are 2 basic techniques to dealing with any kind of acne. The very first includes treatment at the skin’s surface area utilizing anti-acne cleansers, creams and lotions with active ingredients like tretinoin, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

A typical side-effect with topical treatments is due to the fact that can cause stinging, burning, and dry, flaky skin. They likewise lose their effectiveness with time as your skin adapts. More considerably, most topical treatments just” remedy” existing acne and never ever do much to stop brand name brand-new ones from appearing.

A more long lasting ways to repair persistent pimples and blackheads around the nose would be to deal with these from within. This implies resolving hyper oil glands so that acne does not form inside top place.

Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is certainly an anti-acne vitamin that deals with acne and avoids it from returning. It works by managing oil production without entirely shutting off the oil glands. Vitamin B5 likewise quits working existing oil to develop your skin layer clearer in addition to the pores smaller sized.

For best outcomes, you require to utilize topical acne treatments with vitamin B5 supplements. This is a proven method to get decrease persistent acne about the nose in simply a number of weeks.

Dimples look pretty good when you smile. Some people are naturally blessed with them but if you are not the one among them but wish to have ...

Dimples look pretty good when you smile. Some people are naturally blessed with them but if you are not the one among them but wish to have dimples, there are some simple techniques given below
Smile wide
Smile is the easiest way to get dimples. You can see all people who get dimples naturally, always smile wide.

So try to smile at home in front of mirror and see if you get them, but smile wide
If you do not get them, just locate the position where you want fake pimples to be
Press your cheeks and hold
Once you have identified the location, press and hold it
Press your desired dimple area firmly with your fingertips or with the rounded end of a pencil. Do it for 30 minutes or more to get more lasting dimples.
Pucker your lips
In this exercise you have to puck and lips and suck your cheeks.
To start exercising your cheek muscles, make a face as though you just ate a lemon or something remarkably sour. Your lips should be in a slight pucker or pout and your cheeks should be partially sucked in. Your teeth should not be clenched together, as this can prevent you from sucking your cheeks in, but your lips do need to be closed.

Wrinkles, scars and stretch marks are common and they ruin your physical appearance. Natural ingredients are packed with essential nutrients...

Wrinkles, scars and stretch marks are common and they ruin your physical appearance. Natural ingredients are packed with essential nutrients that can provide necessary vitamins for your skin to make it supple.

You may think why to go for natural remedies instead of media promoted cosmetic creams.
These beauty creams as most of you know are packed with chemical preservatives that can irritate your sensitive skin. Apart from this, regular use of these creams can strip natural moisture and damage elastin.
Whatever the skin type, you can use below mentioned recipe and see positive change.


  • Coconut Oil – 2 tablespoon
  • Baking Soda – 1 tablespoon

How to make

  1. Mix 2 tbsp of coconut oil with 1 tbsp of baking soda.
  2. If needed melt solid coconut oil and mix it with baking soda after cooling.
  3. Apply this face mask on your face and leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Apply moisturizer like rosewater or aloe vera gel if you experience burning sensation or dryness.

How it Works

Coconut oil is known for its hydrating ability. It moisturizes your skin and supply essential vitamins to it. Assorted nutrients in coconut oil lighten dark spots, promote collagen production, treat blemishes and reduce inflammation.
Baking soda is renowned for its exfoliating abilities. Its exceptional properties fight acne causing bacteria and thwart them. It also cleanses impurities and helps to shed dead skin cells. Bleaching activity of baking soda helps to obtain radiant skin.

Apart from that drink enough water, ingest vitamin rich diet and avoid stress.

An average person sheds 50 to 100 hairs per day. However, new hairs grow at the same time. But, when this cycle of shedding and growing hair...

An average person sheds 50 to 100 hairs per day. However, new hairs grow at the same time.
But, when this cycle of shedding and growing hair is interrupted hair loss occurs.
Researchers hold hereditary, hormonal imbalance, ailments and certain medications as main factors of hair loss. Apart from this, weight loss, stress, menopause and pregnancy may also lead in loss of hair. (1)
American Hair Loss Association states that women make up to 40% of hair loss sufferers in America. Further it states that men at the age of 35 experience some degree of hair loss and by the age 55 approximately 85% of men have significant loss in hair. (2)

There are several pricey products in the market claiming to control hair loss. But, if you don’t want to give rush to your money and try those chemical filled cosmetics, this homemade recipe fits for you.

Homemade Shampoo to Prevent Hair Loss

Choose a shampoo with neutral pH and with no harmful chemical ingredients.
Apart from this, take rosemary essential oil, lemon essential oil and vitamin E capsules.
Rosemary oil is prominent to improve blood circulation and make hair stronger. Lemon essential oil is renowned for its antiseptic and refreshing aroma.
Lastly, vitamin E capsule is packed with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Assorted nutrients in it repair damaged hair, promote hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.


  • Neutral pH shampoo
  • Rosemary essential oil – 10 drops
  • Lemon essential oil – 10 drops
  • Vitamin E capsules – 2

How to Use

Mix all ingredients and shake well.
Store it in a container and use this simple home remedy every alternate day.
  1. Wash your hair with water and put required amount of shampoo on the scalp.
  2. Gently massage your scalp and leave it for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Rinse it off with water.
This simple homemade shampoo works efficiently to control hair loss.

Sleep is important to our overall health and wellbeing. Recent studies show that getting adequate sleep night after night can help sharpen y...

Sleep is important to our overall health and wellbeing. Recent studies show that getting adequate sleep night after night can help sharpen your memory, fight germs, maintain a healthy weight, and improve your mood. You can ensure that you are getting a proper night’s sleep by going to bed early, reducing electronic screen time, and practicing good sleep hygiene. However, you will also want to consider whether your sleep space is promoting healthy sleep. Below we have compiled a list of tips to help you get the most out of your sleep environment.

Choose Calming Colors

To get the most out of your sleep space, be sure to choose a color scheme that promotes relaxation. Pastel blues, greens, pinks, and lavenders, all have a calming effect and can help your mind and body prepare for sleep. Consider painting your bedroom or an accent wall in one of these soothing colors.

Bright colors, such as reds, oranges, and yellows, can have a stimulating effect. Therefore, you should avoid using these colors in your sleep space. Dark colors, such as grays, browns, and blacks, can have a gloomy, heavy feel and should also be avoided. Ultimately, you will want to choose a color scheme that is appealing to you but also helps you feel at ease in your sleep space.

Adjust Your Lighting

Lighting plays a big role in creating a soothing sleep environment. In addition to removing electronic light from your bedroom, consider also removing any bright, harsh lighting. Replacing high watt light bulbs with low watt bulbs, between 45 to 50 watts, can help give your sleep environment a more ambient and soothing glow. This lighting is perfect for promoting sleep and relaxation, while still being suitable for reading.

Invest in the Best Mattress for Your Needs

It is difficult to find a good night’s sleep if you’re sleeping on an inadequate mattress. The life of a mattress is typically between 8 to 10 years. The reason for this is that mattresses break down over time and lose their support. When mattresses lose their shape and begin to sag, they will no longer provide you with the support you need to sleep comfortability. When this happens, you may experience painful pressure points, poor spinal alignment, increased allergies, lack of sleep, soreness in joints, and body pain. If you are experiencing any of these sleep symptoms, it may be time to consider purchasing a new mattress. Mattresses that feature memory and latex foam are ideal for contouring to joints and providing no pressure support. Hybrid mattresses typically use a combination of foam and innerspring coils and are ideal for heavy sleepers.

Reduce Noise

Excessive noise can prevent or disrupt sleep. Two ways to reduce noise in your sleep environment is through the use of area rugs and upholstered furniture. Area rugs can help to minimize the way sound echoes throughout the room. This is especially helpful with hardwood floors. Upholstered furniture, such as beds, chairs, benches, and ottomans, can help absorb sound, ensuring that the space stays blissfully quiet.

Declutter Your Sleep Space

To create a serene and peaceful sleep space, everything in the room should be associated with sleep and relaxation. Clutter, such as work, papers, mail, workout equipment, and laundry, should be removed from your sleep environment. These objects tend to trigger stress and anxiety, which can delay sleep. Be sure to put objects where they belong, put clean laundry away, remove dirty laundry from the room, and remove any association with work from the area. This will ensure that your sleep environment is as stress-free as possible.

Adjust The Temperature

A hot room can rob you of a comfortable night’s sleep. To get the most out of your sleep space, be sure to keep the temperature of the room on the cooler side. Ideally, the temperature of your bedroom should be between 60 and 67 degrees. Sheets, pillowcases, and pajamas made of breathable materials, such as cotton and linen, will also help you find a cool and comfortable sleep.

Choose Comfortable Bedding

Bedding, such as sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, and blankets, can also help create a more ideal sleep environment. Consider utilizing bedding in pastels colors such as blue, green, and pink. Being surrounded by these soothing colors can have an immediate calming effect on the brain. Natural materials, such as cotton, linen, down, and wool, are more breathable and won’t trap heat. These natural materials are also softer to the touch, creating a more inviting space.

With new research highlighting the importance of a good night’s sleep, it is no wonder that more people are making adjustments to maximize their sleep space. These small adjustments can help you get better sleep as soon as tonight.

A bumped up pony hairstyle is an easy way to add an alluring touch to your look. This hairstyle is great for a bad hair day or a sweaty summ...

A bumped up pony hairstyle is an easy way to add an alluring touch to your look. This hairstyle is great for a bad hair day or a sweaty summery day.  You can do this hairstyle for your office or for a casual day out at shopping. It looks sleek, clean and sophisticated. But if you are simply tying your hair then it won’t make you look presentable. In fact, it will be a minus to your look. Well, let’s turn it into a plus for you. Fortunately, there’s a trick to make the ponytail perfect! Add a little bump to the pony and it will enhance your look umpteen times, we promise.

You need to follow a few easy steps to achieve this impressive bumped up pony.

Split your hair into two halves – Upper half and lower half. Clip the upper half as shown in the video.
Make a ponytail in the bottom part. Tie it a bit tight so that it doesn’t look saggy like in the regular ponytail.

Split the lower ponytail into two halves. Take the upper half straight up and to finish it up clip the little clutch in there. This will add a bit of volume to your pony.

Unclip the upper section hair down. Tease them a little bit and brush slightly.

Take a section of your hair like shown in the video tutorial. Tease them back to get the bump and smooth your hair with a comb.

Now, gather all the hair and tie up into one pony as shown in the video.
Clip it again to add more volume to your pony.

Take a section of your hair and wrap around the elastic. Lastly, secure it with a bobby pin.
And, you are ready to go. This hairstyle will take barely 5-minutes to do and seems like took lots of effort to get it perfect.

How to use baking soda to get rid of dark circle: Before we jump into the recipe, it’s important to understand WHY people get ...

How to use baking soda to get rid of dark circle:

Before we jump into the recipe, it’s important to understand WHY people get dark circles. There are a few different culprits:

Genetics – some people are just pre-disposed to dark circles
Not enough sleep – obvious, but one of the most common reasons
Dehydrating – not drinking enough water will cause the blood vessels around the eyes to shrink and therefore the area will darken.
Bad diet – a diet high in sugars and carbohydrates retains water and can dry up the skin.Benefits of Baking Soda for Dark Circles:A natural lightener, baking soda is basically a type of gentle, natural bleach which will lighten the area.
Gently exfoliates to soften and brighten the skin.
Is anti-septic and anti-inflammatory therefore also reducing puffiness.
Balances pH level of the skin, resulting in smoother, softer, and clearer skin.
Ingredients:1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp room temperature chamomile tea or filtered waterDirections:In a small bowl, mix the baking soda with the liquid of your choice.
Mix until a runny paste forms. You may need to add a little more liquid or a little more baking soda. Play around with the mixture until you get a runny paste.
Dip a cotton ball or pad into the mixture and gently dab underneath the eyes.
Leave on for at least 20 minutes or even overnight.
Gently rinse and pat dry.

Repeat once a day for 2 weeks, and every other day thereafter until you no longer see dark circles.